Majik aka Blackie


Majik was one of a litter of kittens born under our TV
She was a very sweet and very shy kitten who grew up still very shy and sweet
She loved to hide
She became my father's constant companion whether it was sleeping on his bed with him or curled up in his lap
One night she wanted to go outside in the patio and go potty when she was done we let her back in
The next day we found broken glass in the patio and Majik was sprawled out on the living room floor
That was totally unlike her
We called the vet and brought her in. They said she was in pain and not expected to live through the night
I told my father and said that he needed to say his goodbyes
The next morning she was still with us but there was blood coming from her mouth
We sadly took her to the vet. Because of the wonderful care and help Kitty Kitty received I decided to have Majik also at Bubbling Wells
Neither of the cats are in pain and both can run and play together once again
That is a blessing
Although we will never know what really happened that night to her we can rest assured that she is in a safe place
All of her human and animal family will miss her
May God Bless and Protect you, Honey